Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm surrounded by cuteness!

Originally uploaded by stacy's plate.
Last Wednesday was Sam's and my last playgroup. I'll be back at work full time now and will miss our Wednesday meetings. I met so many nice moms and babies and learned so much from everyone.

Sam was the youngest baby in the group -- most of the other babies are 3-4 months older than Sam. That meant that all the mothers have that much more experience than I have, so to me, they are experts at this baby thing.

Every couple of weeks at the playgroups, we put all of the babies together on the couch and take a picture. (Notice how the babies on the couch are all propping each other up.) Sam was asleep during this, so since it was our last day, I got in the picture, too. I felt like E.T. in the stuffed animal scene, only I hope I look a little better than E.T.


Blogger Ben said...

Stacy, you look so much better than E.T. We're going to miss you and Sam on Wednesdays!
Ben (& his mommy)

6:19 PM  
Blogger Rhonda the Stitchingnut said...

Oh much better than ET! But the menagerie around you are just as cute as stuff toys!!

8:38 AM  

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